In-Person Services


Healthy churches have a worship service that fills the diverse needs of those who come to worship God. First Christian Church offers two distinct styles of worship where you can praise God, eat at Christ’s table, and be moved by the Holy Spirit.

Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for the Week of

Sunday, February 23.

*Disclaimer for in-person worship:

In-person worship will be livestreamed. As a result of this, certain sitting areas will be more likely to end up on camera, such as the front row. If this is a concern, please ask one of our Deacons to point you in the direction of seating where this will not be an issue.

In-Person Worship Schedule


Worship Service - Sundays at 9:30 am

Beginning September 8, 2024

This service offers a combined Contemporary and Traditional Service at 9:30 am.

Summer Service - Sundays at 10:00 am

From MAY 26 - SEPTEMBER 1, 2024

Our Summer schedule offers a combined Contemporary and Traditional Service at 10:00 am. Sunday School is on summer recess.


Child Care is provided in

Room 103 in the Ed Wing.


Child Care Services

Childcare is provided in our Education Wing for children Ages 0-5. We love the joyful noise of our children, so they are also welcome to join you in worship services!

Other ways to watch


Catch all of our worship services streamed live to your computer or device.

Recorded Services

Our services are re-broadcast weekly on

WCTV (Channel 17), Spectrum (Channel 1024), and on-demand from WCTV's website.

Re-broadcasts are Tuesdays at 10:30 am, 4:00 pm, 9:00 pm and Wednesdays at 8:00 am.