Church Announcements
Journey to Bethlehem - VBS
Thurs., and Fri., Dec. 26-27, 9:00 am - Noon. Travel back in time to take the journey to Bethlehem as Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men and the shepherds did so many years ago. Contact the church office for more information or to sign up!
Christmas Services
Lessons and Carols - Dec. 22, 9:30 am.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Dec. 24, 6:00 pm.
Christmas Carol Sing - Dec. 29, 9:30 am.
The Secret Place - Daily Devotional
The daily devotional booklet, The Secret Place, for December, January, and February is available in the office and at the Welcome Center.
Childcare available during worship!
Childcare will be offered during worship, Room 100 in the Education Wing. This is for children ages 0-5 years old.
December Red Bag - Canned Fruit
Non-perishable items of any kind are always welcome. Used printer cartridges, cell phones and chargers, and eyeglasses are also being collected. Pick up a bag from the Gathering Area and drop off your items in the Outreach Collection Center.