
Adult Faith Formation Groups


Building PATHWAYS toward the ultimate goal of knowing God's love. A dynamic, life-oriented approach to exploring scripture. Live out your faith in all stages of life. A low key relaxed setting where the only thing required is your presence.


We are a community of believers that is learning and growing our faith by applying scripture to our lives and having a lot of fun in the process. Each Sunday morning, this group gathers for coffee and lively discussion centered on relevant topics to the Christian life.

Scripture Seekers

Our curriculum is Lifeway’s Adult Bible Studies for Life. Three of our class members take turns leading, offering different presentation styles. We have a call-in option for Sundays when you cannot attend in-person, but need an hour in conversation around God’s Word. We share our joys and concerns and pray for one another’s needs. We discuss ways of living our faith. “Knowing what you believe is one thing. Living it is greater.” Join us on our journey.

Adult Christian Education is an integral part of faith development. It provides time to gather as Christian Faith Communities in order to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus by studying God’s Word.

We are encouraged to see the relevance of the Scriptures in our lives. We are supported by those in our Faith Community and journey together in Christian love sharing in the joys and challenges of our lives.

We encourage all members to find a Spiritual Group that interests you and attend.

Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

J.O.Y. Group (Just Older Youth!)