Chi Rho

Chi Rho is a ministry for Middle school youth in grades 6-8. Chi Rho meets monthly and offers this age group an opportunity to experience acceptance, worth, and the love of Jesus Christ through fellowship, service, and worship opportunities.

Events include:

  • Monthly Fellowship Events

  • MLK Day of Service

  • Compassion Bake Sale

  • Urban Plunge Summer Service Week

  • Chi Rho Camp at Camp Christian (Regional)

  • Search for the Christ Child - Live Nativity Pageant

Monthly Fellowship

Chi Rho meets about once a month for a fun afternoon of fellowship with their peers. Examples of events might include a game night, indoor rock climbing, movie and ice cream sundaes, Christmas party, snow tubing, Laser Quest, Bowling, roller skating, and scavenger hunts.

Urban Plunge

Each summer, our youth participate in a week of community service known as the “Urban Plunge” (UP). During this week, our youth and volunteers partner with local community organizations such as Marian’s Closet and the Akron/Canton Food Bank to serve our community and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. Youth also engage in Bible Study, Worship, Fellowship, games, and more during UP, building relationships with God and each other.

Chi Rho Camp at Camp Christian

Each summer many of our Chi Rho’ers attend a week at Camp Christian. This is a special place where our youth experience fun, fellowship, and friendship in a Christian environment. They also have the opportunity to grow spiritually, as they encounter God’s love in new ways! This week is an amazing experience that any Christian youth would not want to miss!